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Zakir Naik

Zakir Naik was born in India in the mid-sixties. He received his early education from Mumbai, later he went to medical college for a degree of MBBS. He is a general physician by profession but to the world he is an Islamic scholar.
Zakir Naik disclaims following any sect of Islam, however he is more leaned towards salafi and wahabi school of thought. He is the founder of Peace TV, and IRF (Islamic Research Foundation). Zakir had been addressing to the general public belonging to any sect and religion since long time. He has been famous for expert in Quran in many different languages. His most motivating speech pattern made him inspiration for many.

Zakir was formerly living in India, but used to visit all around the world for preaching and addressing his followers. Naik used to answers queries of anyone regarding Islam and Quran. He has been banned in India , Bangladesh, Srilanka due to allegations of spreading hate speech (These are just allegations by hindu Zionists). Saudi Arabia and Malaysia had given him residence status . He currently lives in Malaysia and occasionally visits many other countries.
Dr. Zakir Naik is very famous for answering in a unique way by giving cross religion references. He had knowledge of many religions in a deep way. Whenever he is answering somebody, he uses similarity and differences from his school of thought. And uses those keys as a motivation factor. This is his continuous and tidy job to remain calm during hour long lectures which he mostly delivers in English language. His attire is also being questioned by many other critiques, As he usually had been appeared in a three piece coat suit with tie.

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