Milad un Nabi SAW is the day of birth of the beloved and last Prophet of Allah SWT. Hazrat Mohammad SAW was born on 12 Rabbi ul Awal 571 AD in Makkah in the home of Abdullah bin Abdul Mutlib who was a leader of Qureshi tribe and banu Hashim family. His birth is considered a blessing for all Muslim around the world. This is the reason that we as a muslim want to show affection towards our Last Prophet SAW. His birth day is celebrated as Eid Milad Un Nabi SAW. Rabi ul awal is considered as a sacred month like other islamic month. This year eid Milad un Nabi 2021 date or 12 rabbi ul awal 1443 will be announced later after moon sighting. Most probably 2021 Eid Milad un Nabi SAW will be celebrated in the month of october on 18 or 19 date as per moon sighting.
Listen to Rabbi ul Awal Bayan / Download Milad un Nabi Bayan
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Here are all latest profile pictures to display on your social handles for eid milad un nabi saw. you can also share these awesome Eid milad un Nabi DP in high quality image format. Here you will find latest rabi ul awal dp for whatsapp and eid miladun nabi dp for this year eid. Share within your circle and appreciate and celbrate edi milad un nabi saw with affection according to sunnah and the practices of sahaba karam RA.
Muslim all over the world celebrate eid ul milad un nabi day by praising naats of Prophet SAw and practising his Sunnah. By listening to Islamic bayanat and Islamic speeches, Rabbi ul awal speeches, 12 rabbi ul awal bayan and giving sadaqat and zakat. Listen to online mp3 rabbi ul awal bayan and find many other useful stuff related to Eid Milad Un Nabi SAW. Find artcles of rabbi ul awal, mp3 lectures of milad sharif, mp3 bayan of milad un nabi, and HD quality rabbi ul awal status to share with your friends.